+43 (1) 982 41 21

Telefonische Auskunft

Hütteldorferstraße 46, 1150 Wien

barrierefrei: Hütteldorferstraße 44

Ordinationszeiten: Mo-Fr von 8-12, Mo+Do von 13-18 und Di+Mi von 14-19

Telefonzeiten enden 30 Minuten vor unseren Ordinationszeiten

Welcome to the Allergiezentrum

For over 35 years, the Allergiezentrum Wien West has been offering a comprehensive range of services for the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases and intolerances.

Our medical team consists of general practitioners (some of whom specialize in allergology), specialists in paediatrics and adolescent medicine, specialists in dermatology, specialists in ear, nose and throat medicine, as well as dieticians and nutritionists.

Arrange an appointment online

All insurances & private insurances

Address: Hütteldorferstraße 46, 1150 Vienna

Directions: tramway 49 (Huglgasse station), Subway U3 (Schweglerstraße or Johnstraße station), short-term parking zone on Hütteldorferstraße

Opening hours
8-12 a.m. and 13-18 p.m.
8-12 a.m. and 14-19 p.m.
8-12 a.m. and 14-19 p.m.
8-12 a.m. and 13-18 p.m.
8-12 a.m.

Making an appointment, preparing for the appointment, costs, duration, examinations, tests, therapy.

Book an appointment

You can also book all available dates online. Or you can call us on +43 1 9824121.

Telephone information

Telemedicine (as we take sufficient time for questions, please allow approx. 15 minutes waiting time on the phone)

Vaccination/vaccination times

Mon-Fri: 8:30-11 a.m.
Mon-Thu: 2-5 p.m.
Appointment registration required

H2 breath test

Lactose, fructose, sorbitol, glucose. Details such as duration, preparation, costs, referral form

medical referral

When do you need to bring a referral slip and what services do you have to pay for?


Please bring your e-card with you to every appointment. Minors also bring their legal guardian(s).

My report

The report will be sent to you online or by post. Here are instructions for the medical report portal.


Dispatch as an e-prescription directly to your pharmacy or by post to your address, or pick up on site


We are growing and looking for: surgery assistant, DGKP, administrative assistant, doctor


Download the GDPR declaration of consent before your appointment and save waiting time.

FAQ & News

The most frequently asked questions from our patients and all the latest news about the Allergiezentrum Wien West.

Dear patient,

We offer you a wide range of examinations and therapies for allergic diseases and intolerances.

We endeavor to respond to your needs and, above all, to enable the children to have an examination in a positive, fear-free and child-friendly environment.

Prim. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Fritz Horak

Medical management

Specialist in pediatrics and adolescent medicine
Specialist in pediatric pneumology and allergology

Bitte bringen Sie zu Ihrem Termin einen Überweisungsschein mit. Den gibt es bei den praktischen Hausärzt:innen und Fachärzt:innen.


Dies gilt für die Terminart “Allergieuntersuchung bzw. Kontrolluntersuchung” und sowohl für neue Patient:innen als auch für Patient:innen, die schon bereits bei uns waren. Wenn Sie keinen Überweisungsschein mitbringen, müssen wir die Leistungen leider privat an Sie verrechnen.